Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Miscellaneous Thoughts and What-nots

In today's game of tag, i've been asked to give my initial reaction to four words chosen by Baby Blue, my tagger. So here goes.

Dive: swim, backyard pool, feeling of release, fun, summer
Blue: favorite color, my first car, love it, the sky, what more can I say
Apple: not my favorite fruit. Havent had one in ages, although the green ones are very tasty. But dh loves the caramelled ones
Hot: chocolate. Is there anything else?

On the subject of chocolate, me likes it. A lot. I'm the mikey of chocolate. I'll eat anything. I'm like the chocolate monster. In recent chocolate news, i made a chocolate chip banana cake. I didnt take any pictures because it didnt turn out as pretty as i thought(I can only have pretty food on my blog, I have standards!), but it was d-lish.

On the subject of food and blog, i'm thinking of starting a food blog. Just something where i photograph my latest creations and/or flops. It's in the works. My people will call your people. But first, i've got to get around to visiting the good ole kitchen a little more often, clear some cobwebs and left over dishes, kill a few hundred fruit fries.

On the subject of pesty fruit flies, i've become a fruit fly killer. And i'm proud of it. Sorry, when you live with those pests for a weeks on end with narry a banana in sight, terminating becomes your sole mission. In my research and training to become the fruit fly commando, i discovered the perfect weapon ... rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle. It momentary disables them while you swoop in for the squish. I am down to my last fruit fly, i think.

On the subject of ... well ... what else ... let's see here ... oh, yeah, i've been a little distracted at work. Dont know where that's coming from here. Feeling a little slow and out of it.

On the subject of fertility and babymaking, i am still feeling very confident that this is not something i want to do in the near future. I have just been let off this rollercoaster ride of hormonal mania, and i want to enjoy a nice walk in the park before i ever get back on it. Said walk may take a few years, like an aboriginal walkabout in the wildnerness. So, no kids for me in the near future. I'm serious this time. I'm fine without them, thank God, finally.

On the subject of creative pursuits, i finished a screenplay about, among other things, a woman's journey through ivf. It's a story that took a lifetime to create but a short time to write. I am currently trying my hand at querying hollywood all the way from the other side of the mississippi. I wonder if my query hook can reach so far without me actually moving off my coach. I dont want to get any additional exercise when i can avoid it. Anyway, i'm starting a new blog about writing and selling. If you're interested in following that adventure, email me.

Oh, one more thing, guess who's hosting my sister's baby shower? Yup, that would be yours truly. But, i'm okay with that. It's upcoming though, the first week of november. I plan on baking a cake. So, hopefully, i will be posting about my cake planning and progress soon. But first, we must clean up the mess around here. I cant have people over like this!


At 9:36 AM, Blogger BigP's Heather said...

that spray bottle is a superb idea!

I definitely want to see the cake for the shower!

At 12:51 PM, Blogger Lut C. said...

Those poor fruit flies!

NOT. What a way to go, in an alcoholic delirium.

At 9:18 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I do cake decorating and love to see other people's creations! Baby showers are a lot of fun to plan and decorate for. Should be a good time~

At 5:16 PM, Blogger Wishing 4 One said...

As you know, probably, I have been blog-absent for most of October. I once again, as always, felt so inspired by catching up on your posts. You are so strong and I can relate to SO MANY points that you wrote.

I would LOVE to read your food blog, I too have pondered about starting one too. Maybe I will? I already have a collection of photos, (for that cookbook I DREAM of writing someday) so I am ready!



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